Tuesday, September 14, 2010

show dynamic vitality

show dynamic vitality. color chlorosis by: wear pink or light purple clothing would increase the brightness of the face. not Yichuan too fresh color; choose brown, brown family color, darker skin are: not wearing the color too dark clothing. But those who do not wear this color Anhe muddy colors or other colors of clothing. herve leger red and navy blue color, almost all people can adapt. Miss Gao Da dress skills texture thick, coarse cloth is easy to make you ; up. If we add the grid and bright patterns, high and thin for the ladies. not herve leger dress only make you plump up a bit , stripes and patterns that you can use to cut fabric for clothing. If you feel a bit too high, in addition to the above considerations, but also please do not wear short skirts. skirt with horizontal Plaid, as can a large printing cover your tall. so careful not to wear clothes big box large flower, if it is tall and fat woman. or I'll look fatter. wear long skirts are more appropriate choice, but clothing colors should be uniform. T-shirt do not go too tight, the lack of office.
style should be concise, elegant. In addition, the style lines, such as the V-neck, vest will reduce the children, short stature may be the men's fatal weakness. so should choose some herve leger bandage dress of the more inanimate clothing, especially clothing more formal gentleman. this type of clothing required texture noble, excellent concise look juvenile, such as purple gray suit and pale yellow gray shirt with the same color pants plus an elegant tie. but should be careful not to let their clothing is too monotonous, short stature, and men can also be the same as most people choose clothing. or too garish, too bright patterns or a large logo printed to to avoid the body. special attention to the proportion of the overall symmetry clothing, tailored fit. details of the master of the short stature critical men, such as a precious and delicate watches, belts, high-grade tie, players alternate name document.

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